September 6th - 6:00 PM
Opening session
Willis K. Samson
Jose Antunes-Rodrigues
Gina L.C. Yosten
September 7th
Section 1 – 8:00 – 10:00 hs - Chairs: Willis K. Samson and Jose Antunes-Rodrigues
Talk 1 - Gina Yosten (30 min)
Targeting orphan G protein-coupled receptors for the treatment of diabetes and its complications: C-peptide and GPR146.
Talk -2 – Grant Kolar (30 min)
Advanced imaging approaches for peptide- receptor interactions.
Talk -3 – Ernane Uchoa (25 min)
Glucocorticoids modulate insulin-induced changes in the expression of neuropeptides and insulin signaling pathways in the hypothalamus.
Talk 4 – Silvia Ruginsk (25 min)
Participation of ion channels in astrocytic osmotic signal transduction
Coffee break
10:00 – 10:20 hs
Section 2 – 10:30 – 12:00 hs - Chairs: Gina Yosten and Lucila L. K. Elias
Two oral presentations, 10 min each).
Talk 1 – Carol F. Elias (25 min)
Title: “Tackling the challenge of defining the specific role of ubiquitous genes in neuroendocrine control”.
Talk 2 – Laura Vivas (25min)
Title: “Perinatal Programming of the Vasopressin System”
Talk 3 – Wagner Luiz Reis (20min)
Title: "Involvement of NO and CO on drinking behavior and neuroendocrine hormones releases"
Talk 4 – Lauren M. Stein (20min)
Title: “Leptin induced satiety and the contribution of brainstem astrocytes“
Meet the Professors Luncheons
Section 3 – 14:00 – 16:00 hs - Chairs: Laura Vivas and Lauren Stein
(Two oral presentations, 10 min each).
Talk 1 -: Marcio Torsoni – UNICAMP (20 min)
Title: “Cholinergic signaling in the hypothalamus and control of food intake“
Talk 2 – Andrea Godino – Cordoba – (20 min)
Title: “Participation of osmo- and sodium-sensitive channels in the control of body sodium depletion responses”
Talk 3 - Willis K. Samson (25 min)
“Reproductive Status and Hydromineral Balance.”
Talk 4 - André de Souza Mecawi (25 min)
Title: “Role of estrogen in the neuroendocrine control of body fluid balance“
Coffee break
16:00 – 16:20 hs
Round Table – 16:30 – 17:30 hs
Concluding remarks