Program September, 2nd to 6th, 2019
September 2nd
Day 1: Faculty conferences, materials assembly and session planning (faculty only)
September 3rd
Day 2: Identifying appropriate animal models (J Antunes-Rodrigues, W Samson, L Elias, L Vivas, A Godino, W Reis, E Ochoa, A Mecawi)
Morning Session: Faculty presentations on general aspects of experimental design (rigor and reproducibility) and introduction to molecular approaches to integrative physiology. (WK Samson, G Yosten, J Antunes-Rodrigues, L Stein, D Galiano)
Afternoon Session: Students must discuss and select physiologically relevant models of known disease states. (All faculty participate)
Take home assignment: Students divided into groups based upon research interests and instructed to prepare presentations on the disease entity and identify with justification of the appropriate animal model (afternoon self-study and PPT preparation)
September 4th
Day 3: Experimental design
Morning Session: Student presentations on the disease prevalence and underlying mechanisms and then present the background on their animal model of choice. N.B. Students will be organized into groups of 6-8 to facilitate participation. (All faculty participate)
Afternoon Session: Faculty presentations on in vivo approaches to determining physiologic relevance. [Transgenics (C Elias), CRISPR/Cas9 models DG Galiano), viral mediated-targeting (L Stein)]
Take home assignment: Student group preparation of Powerpoint presentations describing research proposals and one page written summary of the proposals.
September 5th
Day 4: Student presentations of group research proposals
Morning session: Faculty presentations on emerging technologies (G Kolar, L Vivas). One page, student groups research proposals distributed.
Afternoon session: Student group presentations. Faculty introduction to peer review (G Yosten, C Elias, W Samson, J Antunes-Rodrigues).
Student Poster Session with APS-sponsored refreshments
September 6th
Day 5: Publishing and career opportunities
Morning Session: Ethics of Publishing discussion (W K Samson, J Antunes-Rodrigues) followed by discussion of training opportunities (A Godino. L Vivas, C Elias) and career trajectories (E Ochoa, A Mecawi, W Reis).
Lunch: Meet the professors. (All Faculty)
Afternoon Session: Open forum on modern cellular and molecular tools. (Questions & Answer Sessions). Distribution of student satisfaction surveys and concluding remarks.